WFM Forecast - Predict Workload
While forecasting approaches can range from a simple gut feeling to complex mathematical modeling, this course covers the most common forecasting techniques used by contact centers today. It outlines the steps for developing a weekly, daily, and half-hourly forecast of call volume and average handling time (AHT).

What Learners will learn
- Apply the time series analysis to predict weekly call volume
- Calculate an intra-week and an intra-day forecast
- Determine a forecast for the AHT
- Integrate events in the forecast
- Calculate workload based on the forecasts for call volume and AHT
- Assess the accuracy of a forecast
Who should take this?
- Anyone involved in workforce management
- Newly hired workforce managers (as part of onboarding)
- Employees seeking to expand their area of responsibilities
Course Outline
- The Importance of Workload Prediction
- Long-Term Forecasting with Time Series Analysis
- Creating an Intra-Week Forecast
- Creating an Intra-Day Forecast
- The Impact of Events
- Forecasting the Average Handling Time (AHT)
- Defining the Forecast Accuracy
- Final Exam
Self-paced e-learning containing an engaging mix of video, narratives, scenarios, and self-assessments.
The WFM Forecast - Predict Workload course is designed by call center experts to provide a practical and engaging learning experience. Start today.