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Successful Leadership - Team Structure and Communication

This course provides strategies that supervisors and contact center managers can use to establish and lead successful teams.

  • Supervision
  • 1 hour

What Learners will learn

  • Identify the skills needed to be both a successful team lead and team member
  • Describe the key questions to consider when writing a team charter, which clarifies the team’s purpose and objectives
  • Create a team matrix that outlines member responsibilities and roles
  • Describe the techniques for conducting effective team meetings
  • Identify strategies to ensure team contribution and cohesiveness
  • List ways to handle deteriorating results

Who should take this?

  • Anyone that manages and supports frontline staff in a contact center
  • Supervisors, team leaders, team managers, coaches, and call center managers

Course Outline

  • Determining Team Structure and Responsibilities
  • Conducting Effective Team Meetings
  • Facilitating Team Communication and Overcoming Challenges
  • Final Exam


Self-paced e-learning containing an engaging mix of video, narratives, scenarios, and self-assessments.

The Successful Leadership - Team Structure and Communication course is designed by call center experts to provide a practical and engaging learning experience. Start today.