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Power Phrasing

The words you choose in every conversation are important. Your words have an impact, and the right choices go a long way in making sure each caller leaves with a positive impression of you and your company.

  • Agent
  • 40 min

What Learners will learn

  • Identify the right words to convey a message
  • Differentiate between negative and positive phrases
  • Identify key phrases that build rapport with customers
  • Identify visual words/phrases that can replace body language
  • Recognize how to keep calls on track and arrive at a positive outcome

Who should take this?

  • Individuals interested in improving their customer service phone skills
  • Newly hired telephone agents (as part of onboarding)
  • Agents that have difficulty with phone skills
  • Supervisors or coaches that manage telephone agents

Course Outline

  • Preparing for the Customer Interaction
  • The Power of Positive
  • Finding the Right Words
  • Final Exam


Self-paced e-learning containing an engaging mix of video, narratives, scenarios, and self-assessments.

The Power Phrasing course is designed by call center experts to provide a practical and engaging learning experience. Start today.